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Upcoming Dates

2nd November. Samhain Lodge

21st December. Winter Solstice Lodge

The Ceremony

The Sweatlodge is an ancient practice of purification of the body and mind, a rebirthing of the true self and a ceremonial way of prayer to connect with higher frequencies and to uplift the spirit.


It is a temple to honour the elements & life itself. The lodge embodies the womb of mother earth as she holds us in the darkness of her belly, the heated stones are her body which supports all life and as water is offered to the stones, the purification begins, allowing for us to return reborn and renewed.


In lodge, we journey downwards & inwards. Each person can offer personal prayers for self, for others, in gratitude or for releasing all that is not in resonance with our highest good.


In the darkness we can see more clearly as our prayers and intentions echo throughout the timeless lands of all that is. Honouring and anchored by the directions & seasonal gateways.


The heat and the healing herbs grant us a different type of spiritual cleanse – purifying the body, forgetting the outside world, feeling into what really matters in the present moment. We emerge lighter in spirit and closer to our own divinity.


This is a community gathering, with music, sharing & honouring. Here, the embers of our beings rise as the healing waters wash away stagnant energy, cleaning us where we need most.


......we welcome you to join us




Held on ancient land, a secluded & private setting with over 300 acres of woodland and fields. Postcode WR13 5JW and full address given on booking.



Exchange: £85, this includes a delicious meal after the Lodge.  A non refundable deposit of £45 is requested to reserve your space with the remaining £40 paid in cash on the day.

Numbers are limited and we also have a small amount of concessional spaces available for those in financial hardship and/or those who would like to assist with setting up/closing down.

Please email to make payment and reserve your space or, with any questions you may have. On booking, an email is sent with further information for the day and what to bring.



You will be safely held and supported by a very experienced and capable team who between them have many years’ training and experience in their chosen fields. Participant safety is our top priority. Our facilitators are thoroughly trained, trauma informed, hold first aid certifications and follow strict safety protocols. Before each ceremony, new participants receive a detailed briefing, including a waiver to acknowledge any health risks. We encourage open communication—ask questions. Your well-being is paramount, and we are committed to providing a safe, respectful environment for everyone.

Your Facilitators



Mahi-Wolf: Is a shamanic practitioner, therapist and medicine woman who has been facilitating large groups for many years.

For more on Mahi-Wolf, visit


Tom Pepper

Tom is a shamanic practitioner, energy healer and musician who has trained under the Sacred Trust and Hands Of Light Academy for many years.

For more on Tom, visit


Sally Smiles

Sally is a Shamanic Practitioner, Drum maker, Musician & Energy Healer who has held & facilitated workshops & circles for many years.

For more on Sally, visit

What to Expect

The sweat lodge is a space for transformation, where we experience both endings and new beginnings. Each time we enter, we embark on a journey to the core of our being—connected with others in the lodge, yet walking our own personal path. It is a ceremony of birth, death, and rebirth, and we emerge changed by the process.


During the ceremony, you may face physical and emotional challenges due to the healing nature of the Lodge. The heat may become intense, the darkness enveloping, and the air thick. These conditions can bring discomfort, but rather than meeting them with bravado, we are called to meet them with inner strength and internal dignity. Dignity is a cornerstone of the sweat lodge experience.


The richness of this practice flows from maintaining focus on the deeper journey within, not the external discomforts. We sing and pray to help guide us through, allowing us to breathe more easily, calm our fears, and concentrate on the path we're walking together. Prayer and song also brings us into a harmonious rhythm, helping to steady our breath and mind.


There will be four rounds in the lodge which will last about 3 hours in total. The first round we will be offering prayers for the planet, the second round we will be offering prayers for others, the third we will be offering prayers for ourselves and the fourth will be a round of release and celebration.


On a physiological level, the sweat lodge helps recalibrate the autonomic nervous system, creating a new internal balance that smooths out emotional and energetic fluctuations. Psychologically, it nurtures feelings of well-being, peace, and self-worth, making it a powerful tool for personal growth and for navigating life's challenges, emotional turbulence, and trauma.


This is not a contest. There is no reward for enduring more than others. The value of the sweat lodge lies in the distance you travel within yourself, and the insights you gain along the way. Leaving the lodge before the ceremony is complete is a personal choice, and there is no judgment in that. Each of us measures our own journey, and it is valid no matter how far we go.​​​



The sweat lodge is not advised for pregnant women, people taking tranquillisers or antipsychotic drugs, or people with any of the following conditions:

•  cardiovascular problems

•  respiratory infections (colds /flu or any COVID-19 related symptoms)

•  kidney problems

•  diabetes

•  contagious skin disorders

•  hepatitis

•  claustrophobia

•  alcohol or drug addiction

•  exposure to an infectious disease or have been in a known region of an infectious outbreak


On the day​ there will be a waiver to sign in order to enter the lodge.​



•   Drink 2 to 3 litres of water. Stop at least 1 hour prior to the ceremony.

•   Eat lightly on the day of the sweat and we advise you not to eat food for 3-4 hours prior, however, this is your discretion

•   Do not drink coffee or alcohol or take any recreational drugs or plant medicines on the day of the lodge

•   Alcohol or drug use (including marijuana) should be avoided in the days leading up to a sweat lodge

•   Do not wear contact lenses, jewellery or heavy synthetic fabrics in the lodge.

•   Please prioritise rest and reflection the evening after the lodge.

What to bring

•  Two Towels

•  Suitable clothing to enter the lodge. Women tend to wear sarongs/bathing suits. Men may wear loose shorts/sarongs

•  Water, water bottle and/or isotonic drinks such as Gatorade, Powerade or coconut water to hydrate and replenish electrolytes after the the ceremony.

•  A waterproof bag to put wet clothes and towels in

•  A change of clothes

•  Any items you’d like to put on the altar (optional)

•  Snacks and fruit. We will provide a post lodge nutritious meal

•  Appropriate foot wear and clothing for outdoor wear when not going into lodge

•  A drum or an instrument (optional)

•  The rest of the Monies due for the lodge


All participants will receive an email prior to the day with the full address, a reminder to read the above information and to return the waiver if they have not done so. 


We really look forward to sharing this journey with you!


Sally, Mahi & Tom

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